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Passion to Published

Share your story, maximize your impact and create a ripple effect
by writing & publishing your book

Fall In Love With WRITING

Passion Project

Write about topics and stories that you are passionate about.

Social Impact

Your writing would lead to a meaningful impact on society.

Create a Ripple Effect

Your story would resonate with others who are going through what you did.

Build your Credibility

Your writing would enhance your credibility in front of your tribe.

Authority Building

You can build your authority by writing about subjects you are expert on.

Share your Story

Your story would help reach more people, especially those who are struggling.

One word joins another and together they become sentences. Sentences blend with each other and become paragraphs. This stringing together of words is an art as well as a science that can be learnt. 

Writing helps us share our emotions, our feelings, our thoughts and so much more with each other. Writing anything - be it a blog, an article, a book, a poem or a novel - is digging into yourself and weaving together the words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to create your story. 

Your story can touch the lives of many, show people who are stuggling along the path that you have already traveled on, to show them the way. You can maximize your impact which would affect and create a ripple effect in society.

Come, fall in love with writing.... one word at a time..

Why Publish Your Book?

Make more of an impact

Reach more people with your book

Become a bestselling author

Create a legacy

Once your story is visualized, the fabric of a book can be used to finalize and display it to the world. Publishing a book helps you reach more people globally and make a wider and deeper impact. A book helps you individually by building your authority, your credibility, your brand recall and also helps in business growth and visibility.  

The Publishing Process

Ideation & Writing

Book Production



The publishing journey can be simplified as a sequence of steps that transforms and packages your idea into a final product.

The journey starts with the first step of identifying the topic of your book and why you want to write it and for whom. Once the topic is decided, the next step is to just write the book, one word at a time. 

Over time, the first draft would lead to multiple drafts and the final manuscript will have gone in for editing, layout and design. After book production, the book will be published in various online and offline platforms as per your choice. 

Now that the book is written and published, the book is distributed and marketed to the target audience you had in mind. The book will generate interest and then sales! 

Are you ready to embark on this publishing journey? 

About Me

I am an international bestselling author and publisher, Founder and CEO of Fount of Grace Creatives. I have been in the communications and publishing industry since the early 2000s and have worked with Oxford University Press for almost eight years. I am passionate about helping people write and publish their story.

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