My Angel in Heaven
The book chronicles my journey through the grief at the death of my firstborn twin son Jacob on the third day to finding comfort and peace in GOD.
The book became an Amazon #1 bestseller in US, UK, India and Australia across multiple categories
“When something tragic happens, there are two options: you can go away from God or come ever closer to Him. The closer you come to Him, the more He will draw near to you.” This is my favorite quote from this book, which centers around the author’s journey of heartache, healing, and finding a renewed strength. – Jed Jurchenko, author of multiple Amazon #1 bestselling books
I truly believe this book can help many who have endured a deep loss and cannot find a way to talk about it. This book will show the way. The book has a religious thread running through it and while I am not religious, I found that this thread lent depth to the journey. – Sonia