Steps for publishing your book
Now that you have decided to write your book, are you struggling with the process, how to put the pieces together? Here’s the step-by-step process

Deciding to write a book is very easy. Any one can do it. In fact, many a brave soul has taken a spur of the moment decision to write a book. But then the drive to write goes awry or haywire and the book does not get written.
Here are some actionable steps that you can follow and get your book written, published and on bestseller charts
Be consistent, show up and write
Writing a book is not a sprint. It is a marathon. Not everyone can keep up the pace for it and give up just when their muscles are ready to be stretched and grown.
The probability of completing a book goes up when you are working on it consistently every day and not just when you are in the mood or inspiration strikes.
Creating a writing schedule is the first major hurdle new authors who have not yet trained their writing muscles have.
Developing your table of contents of the book that you want to write is an important step as it provides you the roadmap or the framework of what your book will look like.
Once you have the roadmap charted out and you have a clear destination in mind, all you need to do is follow the map. Just keep on going following the clear instructions and in time, you will reach the destination.
You raison d’etre or reason WHY and your goal is crucial for reaching the end of your writing and publishing journey. As they will keep you grounded and focused and not let you lose track of the final goal, the reason that makes all these efforts worthwhile.
Once you complete the writing of the first draft, the book is not ready to be published. It needs to go through various rounds of polishing and refining. The author works on multiple rounds of drafts and self-editing. The final draft is then handed over to professionals like development editor, copyeditor, typesetter, proofreader and so on who work on enhancing your work and raising the quality of the book.
Once the book production is over, it can be published and printed. You can use online platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing, Kobo, Barnes and Nobles, iBooks etc. You can also get it printed and distributed. The book needs to reach the audience for whom it was written so as to solve their need. So promotion and marketing forms another crucial aspect of the publishing chain.
There are clear step-by-step processes that need to be followed in order to bring out a well-thought out and well-written book that will be a bestseller.
What is the step in this publishing process that you think is the most important? Do share in the comments below.