What's stopping you from writing?
You have wanted to write a book since forever, then why haven’t you?

Recently, I had wondered in a couple of Facebook groups of women entrepreneurs if they had ever wanted to write a book. The responses were many and the actual number of women who were writing their books was very less.
Reasons for not writing
The reasons that they gave included life getting in the way, not having enough attention span / right headspace / mental bandwidth to concentrate, not able to make writing a priority, trying to do many other things and so on.
Some felt that they didn’t have the training or have not figured out what to write yet or do not know where to start or find the time to sit down or write. Others were not comfortable with the details they would have to share in the book or were afraid of putting themselves out there or that their writing was all over the place.
Some technical reasons included not knowing how many words should be there in a chapter or not have enough to actually make it a book or did not know the right platform to share in or felt that they could not write and wanted someone else to write it for them. Others had started the book but had stopped writing due to various reasons.
Another common theme was not having enough funds to publish the book that they had written. They felt that publishing costs thousands of dollars and self publishing would cost around $2500-5000 depending on the printing company. Others were keen to have it picked up by a publishing house.
Formula to write your book
To write and get your published, you need to be passionate about the subject or topic of the book. The reason why you are writing the book is also very important as is what is the result you seek from the publishing of your book.
The simple formula is, you + passion = published
Writing and publishing a book is not a sprint. It is a marathon and a long term process. So you just need to find your passion and your WHY which will overpower your doubts when you stumble, your procrastination when you slow down or your fears when you freeze up.
Continuing along on this journey needs a lot of perseverance and effort and you can do it. Your passion will be the driving force on this journey. Let your why drive you on and soon you will see the fruit of your efforts and a book in your hands that you will be proud of.

What is the reason that is stopping you from writing and achieving your dream? Is it any of the above?
Whose voice is the one that is in your head that is discouraging you from starting, from writing, from moving to the place where you want to be?